In order to onboard 1 million creators to web3 we drastically lowered the barrier to launch NFTs with your own contract.

However, we must protect web3 community reputation & funds by avoiding rug pulls and scam NFT projects.

<aside> 💔 We reserve the right to stop supporting your NFT launch if we detect that you’re planning a rug pull, even if we said “Yes” before.


⁉️ What is a rug pull?

A rug pull is a project where founders don’t deliver on the promises after raising the funds. Simply saying, they promised a lot, took a lot of money and disappeared. One of the worst signs is when Discord & Twitter are deleted right after minting.

🤝 Our safety requirements

👋 Use your real name or social profile links

Don’t worry about using your real name or your social media pseudonym (with links) if you’re doing something legit. We don’t launch anonymous projects with no social media links since it’s a probable rug pull. We may do exceptions when the founders plans to reveals the identity after 2-3 days after launch.

🐵 Don’t overpromise to make more money

If you want to launch a simple or even a joke PFP project without a roadmap, be upfront about it. This lets users know what they are buying and doesn’t create false expectations. Don’t try to trick-sell by promising undeliverables like treasuries, DAOs, games, fungible $TOKENS with staking, etc., if you don’t plan to genuinely deliver those. We won’t launch projects with a roadmap where you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.

🐦 Never delete your Discord or Twitter after launch

Keeping a Discord or Twitter is free! Even if you didn’t sell out or want to step away from the project, don’t delete the only way for your community to communicate with each other.

There were plenty of cases when the community organized itself and resurrected the project even after founders disappeared. If you still end up deleting everything, you won’t be allowed to launch with Buildship anymore.

💸 Don’t use NFTs as an easy money-making scheme

NFT collections are the perfect ways to:

✅  make a collectible art or joke with no promises

✅  add monetizable ownership of objects to your game